Welcome to Methlick Parish Church

Join us at Methlick Parish Church

We currently don’t have a full-time minister. If you have any general enquiries, please contact:
Colin Presly, Methlick Parish Church Session Clerk
Mobile: 07831 692900
Landline: 01651 806 220

Dear All,

Methlick Kirk Session received an update at our meeting on 13th June 2024 as to our application to call a part-time minister. As previously explained, our Grouping with Formartine Parish Church (Union of Barthol Chapel, Tarves and Udny/Pitmedden) has been allocated only 1.5 full-time ministers in total. Methlick’s application is progressing and lies with Presbytery and its various committees, and we are hopeful of progress in the next few months to be in a position to call a minister.

In the meantime, we continue to be led in our Sunday Worship by a committed team organised by Rev. Valerie Mitchell who diligently compiles the rota weeks in advance. We are very fortunate to have an active Church, despite being in vacancy thanks to so many willing individuals and teams of people who help organise Alpha and Prayer Groups, our FYP Youth Group, our Mainly Music and Sunday School, our Guild, our Stewardship and Finance, our weekly Café in the Kirk, our Safeguarding and our Property Maintenance and more. None of these would be possible without the time and different talents of so many of our Congregation and Community who help support different aspects of the life and work of our Church.

Methlick Parish Church is open to all and a warm invitation is extended to everyone to join us at a Sunday morning Service and/or to participate or help with a number of activities that go on.

If you have any queries regarding Methlick Church, of a pastoral nature, or if you’re contemplating becoming a member, arranging a wedding, baptism or funeral, or volunteering your help in any way, please do contact our Interim Moderator, Rev Ricky Reid, or any Session member including myself.

With kind regards,

Colin Presly, Session Clerk (Tel 806220)

Our Worship Services

Sun 8th SeptTBCJames PreslyJanet Forbes
Sun 15th SeptTBCRobert SmithBen & Marion
Sun 22nd SeptTBCRonald StoreyJoyce Mackie
Sun 29th SeptTBCIan SutherlandEvelyn Cook

Try Alpha

What is Alpha?

Alpha is an eleven-week series that explores the basics of the Christian faith in a relaxed and informal environment. Small groups meet, watch a short video and then discuss it. Alpha courses are currently being run all over the world in a wide variety of settings from churches to prisons, schools and in people’s homes. Everyone and anyone is welcome to take part. While no two Alpha courses are the same, probably the most important part of any Alpha is the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and simply discuss it in a small group. There's no obligation to say anything and there's nothing you can't say (honest!). It's an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment.

What Topics are Covered?

Is There More To Life Than This? 

Who is Jesus? 

Why Did Jesus Die? 

How Can I Have Faith? 

Why and How Do I Pray? 

Why and How Should I Read the Bible? 

How Does God Guide Us? 

How Can I Resist Evil? 

Why and how should I tell others? 

Does God Heal Today? 

What About The Church? 

Day/Weekend Away (TBC) 

What Have Others Said About Alpha?

“ I found the Alpha course reassuring, informative, and sometimes challenging ..but most importantly it felt like a warm hug and a soft blanket from afar (even on a zoom call) and the wonderful people involved and the discussions we had have allowed me to move forward with my life in the knowledge that “I am not alone”.

“Alpha lets you explore ideas and thoughts across a variety of subjects and with the Bible and Faith at the centre the discussions can be wonderfully varied. Getting to know others in the group and learning through them and their perspectives is part of the bonus of Alpha. . I didn’t know what to expect but would be happy to recommend it.” 

“It was lovely to follow the Alpha Course with such a caring group of people. It was really interesting to learn together and share different points of view and interpretations as we went. “

“Alpha was a safe place for me to ask the questions I had and not feel daft for asking them.”

“The best bit about Alpha was making friends”.

Our next Alpha course will be starting on January 15th, 2025 on Wednesday evenings at the Coffee Apothecary in Udny.

To Register Contact:  alpha@methlickparish.church

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AB41 7DS




Presbytery of North east and Northern Isles
Church of Scotland


Please send us your ideas, bug reports, suggestions! Any feedback would be appreciated.